11 April 2018    |    Hi-fi

Exciting news from Innuos!

They have announced the imminent arrival of a brand new flagship product.

The new ZENith Statement builds on the award-winning ZENith Special Edition, which was considered by many as one of the best sounding digital sources to date.

The first unit is currently on a flight to Chicago to be launched at the Axpona HiFi show.

The ZENith Statement takes Digital Audio to a new level by innovating a number of areas:

Double enclosure linear power supply
• New power supply architecture designed in partnership with Dr. Sean Jacobs.
• Separately enclosed AC/DC conversion stage to isolate transformer vibration and EMi emissions.
• Regulation stage within main system enclosure to shorten the clean DC power path.

8 independent power rails
• Reduces electrical noise generated by regulators’ voltage conversions.
• An individual dedicated power supply for each critical component.

Custom designed components
• innuos-designed USB board with a dedicated 5V power line.
• independently powered 3ppb OCXO clock for higher precision and lower phase noise.
• Custom motherboard exclusively designed for innuos.

As yet we have no price information but we will have more info soon.

Get in touch if you would like more info.