New Naim Audio Integrateds
10% off Linn DSM
10% off Linn DSM

19 June 2019

Sonos Summer Bundle Offer

Save £50 this summer on a pair of SONOS One smart speakers. This powerful yet compact speaker sounds fabulous for it’s size and fits just about any space.

Mu-so 2nd Generation - The Premium Wireless Speaker Your Music Deserves
Linn Selekt and Katalys Exaktbox-I
Audio Technica VM95 cartridges
Linn LP12 upgrades
Seán Kerr Photography exhibition
Linn Majik LP12 + DSM
New Linn Majik LP12 tonearm
Linn Klimax conversion
Moon 110LP v2
Naim Audio ND555, NAC 552, NAP500
New Linn Selekt DSM
Naim Audio ND range
Nordoff Robbins and Loud & Clear
Linn Summer Promo 10% off
Sonos Beam
Akurate Katalyst promotion
Naim free TIDAL offer
KEF LS50 wireless speakers
Linn Katalyst for Akurate
Linn Sondek LP12 Urika II and Lingo