- Glasgow 0141 221 0221
- Edinburgh
18 November 2020 |
Loud & Clear Glasgow
Following the Scottish Government’s announcement on Tuesday, the Loud & Clear Glasgow showroom will temporarily close from this Friday, 20th November at 6pm.
Re-opening is planned for 3 weeks time on Saturday 12th December, subject to any further Government instruction.
Whilst the showroom itself will not be open to the public, work behind the scenes will carry on. Telephone lines and email remain open, orders are being taken and processed for either collection at the shop or home delivery, maintaining social distancing and sanitisation protocols at all times.
In the interests of health and safety for all, as well as playing our part in reducing spread of the virus, our sales and installation teams will not enter customer homes during the Tier 4 period. Goods will be safely delivered to your door. If you have a previously booked installation, we will be in touch directly to re-schedule.
Unlike the national lockdown earlier this year, all of our manufacturing partners remain fully operational, in fact they are busier than ever. We have seen unprecedented demand since lockdown was eased, the importance of music and movie entertainment at home has never been greater. The future is bright.
So sit tight for a few weeks, our coffee machine will take a well-earned rest and we’ll open the doors again soon.
In the meantime, contact hours for phone and email remain:
Tuesday – Friday 10am- 6pm
Saturday 10am – 5pm
All enquiries to:
0141 221 0221
See you in December?,
Loud & Clear Glasgow.