17 April 2014    |    

Linn Vinyl Adikt Day at Loud & Clear Glasgow, Saturday 26th April

The Glasgow store is celebrating Linn’s Vinyl Adikt day on Saturday 26th April.
You’ll be able to pop along and listen to the iconic Linn Sondek LP12 turntable and hear why vinyl is still such a fabulous medium to listen to music through.
We will be partnering up our fully upgraded LP12 (Urika, Keel, Radikal, Ekos SE) with Linn’s new reference Klimax Exakt System to give you the pinnacle of music replay by Linn.
Bring along your own LPs and hear how good they can sound!
Book a place here >>

We also have a Keith Monks Omni record cleaning machine, which can transform the sound of your old dirty records. It’s £3 per 12″ and includes a new Nagaoka anti-static inner sleeve.