13 August 2013    |    

Ben Howard

I first saw Ben Howard perform on a music chat show a few years back. Sitting on a stool with his guitar, all blue eyes and floppy hair, I assumed that he was the music industry’s latest boy band reject. But that notion was thrown straight back in my face as I quickly realised that I couldn’t have been more wrong.
London born but growing up in Devon around his parents record collection of John Martyn, Simon and Garfunkel and Van Morrison clearly had an impact. With an enormous amount of soul for someone so young, he pours a lot of it into both his vocal and guitar playing, reaching out and touching audiences almost universally. Even his own band members (an amazing bunch of multi-talented musicians themselves) regularly look quite pleased to be part of it. And, who can blame them…
Here they are creating some of that magic for all those that were close enough to experience this at Glastonbury a couple of months ago (including the young girl overcome with emotion at about 3 minutes 38 seconds in). You lucky people.
Keep your head up at https://www.benhowardmusic.co.uk