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- Edinburgh
30 July 2013 |
Music festival season has taken me back to April this year when we made the trip over to Austin Psych Fest for the second year running. We hadn’t planned to, until we saw the first wave line-up announcement in December. With some great bands already listed (Black Mountain, Warpaint, B.R.M.C and of course, The Black Angels) along with a new outdoor location (58 acre Carson Creek Ranch), it would’ve been rude not to.
It’s quite a relaxed festival but with plenty to see and do, we took advantage of wandering between stages to soak up as much atmosphere (and music) as we could. We found ourselves especially fond of the river stage that sits on the banks of the Colorado. The photograph on the right should give you an idea as to why we spent a lot of time down there. The natural amphitheatre and stage are just out of shot to the left of this…
As well as the above list, I’d like to commend the following bands (in no particular order) – The Besnard Lakes, Om, The Cult of Dom Keller, Suuns, Wall of Death, Goat, Tinariwen, Night Beats, Golden Animals and The Warlocks.
Ah, the memories. Let’s see what news this December brings…
Psych! at https://www.austinpsychfest.com