9 May 2017    |    

NEW Technics SL-1200G and SL-1200GR Turntables

Technics haven't entirely forgotten their DJ models of old - the SL-1200s share their predecessors' aesthetics (and lid) but these are serious hi-fi decks, completely re-engineered from the originals.

Technics haven’t entirely forgotten their DJ models of old – the SL-1200s share their predecessors’ aesthetics (and lid) but these are serious hi-fi decks, completely re-engineered from the originals.

Double excitement! We now have both new Technics SL-1200G and SL-1200GR turntables in Glasgow and WOW, are they worth waiting for.
Technics, and technology, has moved on significantly since the first SL-1200 in 1972. Technics hasn’t entirely forgotten its DJ models of old – the SL-1200s share their predecessors’ aesthetics (and lid) – but these are serious hi-fi decks, completely re-engineered from the originals.
As always though, the proof is in the listening – hearing is believing after all. Both decks are available for demonstration now in store, and we’ll be having a special launch event here in the shop on Thursday 22nd June. Details to follow but we expect this to be extremely busy so email now to pre-book your space.
And here’s how it all comes together:
Here’s just some of these decks’ improvements on the originals:

Book a dem now.